Build Muscle - Build Muscle Faster by Learning From Arnold Schwarzenegger

If you're current goal is to build muscle, there are plenty of programs out there that you can use.

While there is going to be no single program that will get you the best results, as many do offer much promise, often what makes or breaks any given program is the mindset you adopt.

Arnold Schwarzenegger can offer a perfect example when it comes to this.

Here's some things to think about.

Arnold's Training Principles

Back in the day when he was hardcore into it, he utilized a very high volume type of set up. Set after set, rep after rep, exercise after exercise - you name it, he did it.

It wasn't unusual to see his workouts lasting over an hour and at times, he even did two a day!

These days this type of training is generally looked down upon, as new science has proved that shorter, more intense workouts that focus on compound lifts but that stimulate the muscle more frequently are a more optimal way to go.

Some personal trainers still use bodypart splits like Arnold use, but they are far and few in between.

But this doesn't mean Arnold hasn't taught us all something very important.

Arnold's Psychological Approach

One thing that Arnold was really well known for was his psychological approach to training. He firmly believe that when you were in the gym, you were there to TRAIN. Nothing else mattered.

His whole belief was that by focusing on the individual muscle you were working, you would help to max out the muscle fiber recruitment, thus getting better stimulation and hence, better muscle growth.

This is definitely the case when it comes to your ability to build muscle. Unless you consciously make an effort to think about that muscle contracting and relaxing, you are likely to be not only not fully working the muscle, but also more likely to be recruiting others which you aren't supposed to be.

Case in point. Watch your average guy doing a barbell curl. How many of those guys are using their back muscles to help hoist that weight up? The vast majority.

If they'd stop and really just think about strictly isolating that bicep muscle - focusing on tensing those muscles to bring that bar close to the chest, they'd get ten times the amount of gains as they currently are.

Sure, they may not be able to lift as much weight doing so, but what's the point of lifting huge weight if it's not really working towards your objective?

You need to train smarter, not harder.

End of story.

So, next time you're in the gym, use a concentrated focus. If you aren't, you're not maximizing your results.

Check out Vince DelMonte's amazing body transformation. If this doesn't convince you that you can gain weight, nothing will.

Then if you're ready, learn the exact workout program and diet plan he used to totally reform his body and build muscle.

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